Beach House Candles Blog

Wondering What to Do With All Your Leftover Candle Jars? 

Here’s the Ultimate Guide to Repurposing a Candle Vessel and Give Them a Second Life There’s just something about giving an old item new life. To take it from sitting lonely in...

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Looking For Ways to Make Valentine's Day Special? 

Here are 5 Ways Candles Can Make Your Valentine’s Day! Valentine’s Day is such a fun day to celebrate. No matter where you’re at in life there is a way to make...

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A Day Dedicated to Following Your Heart and How Our Candle Making Dreams Came True in 2020 - Make Your Dream Come True Day

January 13th is “Make Your Dream Come True Day”.  Such great timing for this dedicated day of dream making!  When Beach House Candles got started we had a lot to plan!  Dreams...

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