Shipping & Returns

Shipping and Returns

All orders will be shipped within 1-3 business days. If there are unforeseen delays, we will notify you right away. Most orders are shipped via USPS, but we may use other carriers depending on the size of the order. Candles are typically shipped in boxes while wax melts, if purchased by themselves are usually shipped in padded mailers.

Once shipped, tracking information will be added to your order and an email will be automatically sent providing you with the shipping details. Shipping time varies depending on your location, the carrier used and sometimes the season (sometimes, especially during the holidays, carriers do run behind).

If you have any questions regarding shipping please feel free to email us at

We want you to be happy with your purchase! You may return any unused product to us within 14 days of receiving it. Please contact us for return information, in these cases the customer would be responsible for return shipping.

Defective Product or Wrong Order
Candles and wax melts are rarely defective, but if you receive a product you feel is defective or you received incorrect products, please let us know as soon as you can! In these cases we may ask for pictures or a quick video of the suspected defect. We also may ask you to return the items in question. In the case of these returns, we would send along a return shipping label at our expense.

If you have any questions regarding returns, please feel free to contact us at