Wondering What to Do With All Your Leftover Candle Jars? 

Here’s the Ultimate Guide to Repurposing a Candle Vessel and Give Them a Second Life

There’s just something about giving an old item new life. To take it from sitting lonely in a cabinet to beautifully on display with a purpose. Candle holders are no exception.  In all actuality, each candle vessel is quite beautiful. They are created with fine materials that are durable, nice to look at, and come in various forms. They can be new or they can be old repurposed items.  Each one unique to its brand and could be reused for its own special purpose. 

Chances are you’ve thrown out an old candle jar or two over the years. Each candle gets to a point where the wick cannot melt any more of the wax and there is only a small portion of wax left in the bottom of the jar. You know the jar is quality and could be used for something else but it has to be cleaned out and prepared to be used again for its new purpose. 

If you know you can re-use your containers but just never took the time to think about what you could use them for or how to get them clean then this is the guide you’ve been needing in your life. 

Clean Out the Excess Wax

If you’re ready to put your used candle vessel to a new use you’ll need to get it clean before it can be reused. When you've reached the bottom of your candle and all the wax that can be melted by the wick is gone, you'll need to clean out the excess wax that remains in the bottom of the vessel.  

In order to repurpose the vessel, you’ll need to be sure the remaining part of the wick and the wick base are removed. Then the vessel needs to be cleaned out completely on the inside.  There are several different ways to do this, probably the most common being to put the vessel in the freezer to freeze the remaining wax. Then take a butter knife to chip out the remaining pieces of wax. You can check out a video guide HERE that explains in detail how to clean up the used vessel in order for it to be reused. 

After you’ve got your vessel clean it’s time to decide what you’d like to use it for! Here are several different ways you put those beautiful jars to use!

In The Garage

The garage may not seem like the most likely place to use a candle vessel and to be honest not all of them would work. If your used vessel is glass or any sort of breakable material including ceramic, then I would not recommend using them in a garage environment. However, if you have a tin candle holder then that would work just fine!  It’s a great option to use the pretty colors of tin vessels for a pop of color in a space that's often drab.

To put your used vessels to use in the garage you can organize your nails, screws or any other small tools and household necessities. 

Your nails and screws could be organized by size and even labeled on the tin to keep them easy to find and accessible when you need them. By keeping these items organized it will also make it easier to know when you’re almost out of a certain size or item that you use regularly.  By keeping them organized it’s easier to keep an inventory of those important items. 

Other items that coukd be organized in the garage with your repurposed candle holders are zip ties, miscellaneous screwdrivers, pencils, pens and highlighters, plus loads of other small items that are kept in the garage like rulers and exact-o knives. Using your vessels for these items will give them a designated home instead of them getting tossed around and finding a new resting place each time they're used. Projects are a bit easier when you’re working from an organized space.

A Planter or Vase

Keeping plants in your home or around your work space can be a huge health benefit. According to Boston Magazine a household plant can help detoxify the air in a room, boost your mood and reduce stress!  By repurposing your vessel as a vase or planter you’ll be adding an element to your home that adds great health benefits and it's good for the environment!  Now that's a win-win situation. 

To use your vessel as a planter just add a little bit of dirt, then add the plant and cover the base of the plant with a little more dirt. Then you’re ready to go - just add a little water. The amount of water will depend on which plant you are using.  

You'll most likely need a small plant for a candle jar and if you're using multiple jars you can add plants in each room in the house. It's a small touch that could implement a cohesive design element throughout your home while purifying and detoxifying the air.

Some great ideas for indoor plants that are small and easy to take care of include- succulents, cacti, spider plants, and even lavender. Lavender would add a pop of color and can even be used as an air freshener since it smells so heavenly!

Accessory Holder

Add a decorative touch to your nightstand with a colorful repurposed candle vessel to catch all those loose ponytail holders, bobby pins and any other hair accessories you might have lying around. 

It can even be a catch all for earrings and other jewelry. A great place to keep important items protected instead of loose on the table susceptible to getting lost. 

This could even work in your child’s room for a place to keep the small ponytail holders, hair clips and other hair accessories. But let’s not forget all the other small items that tend to collect in a kids room like Barbie shoes, doll clothes, crayons and the list goes on!

Bathroom Organizers

Bathrooms are one of those rooms in the house that can get cluttered and messy super fast. Anything you can do to streamline and organize the space will help it feel more welcoming and cohesive rather than cluttered.  

You can use your vessels to store items such as cotton balls, q-tips, bandages and any other small items that would work well in a container. 

If you have counter space the storage containers can be placed on display to add a design element OR you could store them away in the closet adding labels so you can easily find what you need. 

You Have Lots of Options

In short, you have a lot of options for your used candle holders. You have design options, organizational options and way to them in each room of your home.

There are so many great ways to use old candle holders and most of them can either improve your space or save you money by preventing you from buying a new jar or container. 

By repurposing your candle vessels you’re giving them a second life and you’re keeping the earth a little bit cleaner. So instead of throwing out the empty jars think twice about whether or not you could use it for a small project around the house. It could even give you a fun weekend craft to enjoy!