A Day Dedicated to Following Your Heart and How Our Candle Making Dreams Came True in 2020 - Make Your Dream Come True Day

January 13th is “Make Your Dream Come True Day”.  Such great timing for this dedicated day of dream making!  When Beach House Candles got started we had a lot to plan!  Dreams are fun to dream and then comes making the dream a reality. This day is perfect for enjoying the process!

This fun holiday is a welcomed reminder to keep pushing for your dreams after the New Year holiday. A couple of weeks after the new year you might be starting to slip on those habits you are trying to implement (not that we do that or anything). It’s a time to reflect back on your goals and what you want to make happen in your life and then take the steps to make it happen.

When the Candle Making Began

When first getting started there can seem there is a lot to be done and it can be overwhelming. We had to create a candle making procedure - to keep the process streamlined. We needed a business plan for a candle business, needed to come up with a name, and even decide exactly how we were going to make each candle including carefully picking each ingredient.  But if you start small big dreams ARE possible!

So what’s your dream? Are you ready to make big change in your life? Big or small never forget that your dreams are worth pursuing. Life has a way of getting away from us with all the hustle of everyday life and we can easily forget about what we really want. We put our dreams on the back burner thinking someday we’ll get around to it. Truth is if you don’t take the first step it’s a guarantee that you won’t. 

You may be thinking, “that’s all well and good but where do I start?”  Not knowing where to start or how to get to the end goal may even be what has held you back for years.  But let me tell you - you just have to start somewhere. Take one small step.  Start researching. Reach out to someone you know or someone on social media that could give you a bit of guidance.  That’s why people show up on social media. They want to hear from you! 

We make change in our lives by taking small steps.  To make big change,  take small steps consistently and vow to not give up. Sounds simple, doesn’t it?! Even though it might sound too simplistic, it really is that easy. Well- maybe not easy but it is simple.  By taking a small step each day, a big goal becomes much more reachable and feels much less daunting. 

Starting a Candle Business

Last year we created Beach House Candles.  Let me tell you, it wasn’t easy. We had another business to keep running and were in the process of creating a larger platform for that company. Website, social media, all of it. But by asking for help, hiring other professionals, and continuing to work each day doing the best for our customers we made it happen.  Now, here we are selling candles and loving it!

One thing you have to keep in mind when you are working towards a dream - your WHY! Why do you want this dream? What’s your reason? When things get tough and you’re thinking about giving up, remember your why. Remember why you started in the first place and keep going. It’ll be the drive you need to reach your goals. 

Our reason - family. Yes, we enjoy making candles and love creating a safe product for your home but every business usually has another driving force behind it all. We wanted to make a change for our kids and provide a good and happy life for them. We want them to see there are ways to do what you love and still be together as a family. That you can be yourself and have fun while creating a great life that you love. 

Candles were something we were very interested in and thought it would be fun. So why not try it? We experimented with the fragrances (still do) and different products out there to create the ideal candle. We wanted the best bang for your buck.  We wanted something that looked good, was great quality and toxin-free.  A candle that is safe and provides a great experience for the consumer.  We feel confident in the product that we have created and can’t wait to see where it takes us. 

Looking for some inspiration? Here are some of our favorite candles - because they’re just so fun!


Sweater Weather - These fresh air and spearmint tones are reminiscent of a crisp winter day.  Accented with the base scents of pine needle, winter berries and notes of wood highlighted by a velvety moss and vanilla undertone.  This sweater weather never smelled so good. 

Sweater Weather

Snowman Balls - Every snowman starts with a snowman ball and every snowball is comprised of whimsical winter magic rolled up into the snow. This combination of mint, berries, oakmoss and peppercorns is reminiscent of fun days in the fresh winter snow.


Snowman Balls


Hayride - This blend of balsam, vetiver, and cedarwood combine to create the fresh outdoor fragrance of an autumn hayride. Each sweet undertone lends hand to your last trip out to the orchard with the wind in your hair and pumpkin patch ahead. 


Don’t Be Afraid

There are lots of reasons to be afraid of trying but not trying at all is even scarier. As quoted by the famous Venus Williams -- "I don't focus on what I'm up against. I focus on my goals and I try to ignore the rest." It’s really hard not to think of all the things that could go wrong and all the people that could have something to say about what you’re doing. But you know what?  None of that really matters in the end. Those people aren’t living your life. Only you know what you’re capable of and what is right for your life. As for what could go wrong - no matter what you do in life there are risks. 

Try thinking about what would happen if it went well. What if everything worked out? Because you know what? If you’re persistent your success is inevitable. Think about this quote from Ray Kroc, a well known American businessman, "Press on. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."

While this quote may seem a bit harsh, it’s true. Perfection is not the goal. You just have to show up and follow through on your commitments. Do that and you’ll be ahead of the game. Remember no one is perfect. You just have to try your best, whatever that may look like for you. 

Never Stop Trying New Things

Candles were not always our goal. We have had other avenues that we have pursued in business and after trying other things we decided to take a chance at making candles. It was a way to create something for everyone that would be a safe alternative to lots of products that are already out there. Now, as we have progressed in our candle making we have 47 scents on our websites and more to come! And ya know what, it was fun!  

Trying new things can be scary but it can also be fun. Try to enjoy the journey and see where it takes you. It may not always end up where you initially thought it would but it could be better than you ever imagined!  When we first started our entrepreneurial journey we didn’t know we’d end up with a candle business but here we are loving it. 

That’s what makes following your dreams so important. It’s a journey of self-discovery and can completely change the way you see the world and it’s usually in a good way. Follow your dreams and the desires of your heart and you’ll end up exactly where you’re supposed to be.